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Allonby Bay Highly Protected Marine Area Saline Contaminant Analysis

发布时间 所属地区 所属机构 语言
2024年06月17日 -- -- 英语 (English) 中文

Published date: 17 June 2024

Last edited date: 18 June 2024

Open opportunity - This means that the contract is currently active, and the buying department is looking for potential suppliers to fulfil the contract.

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Closing: 2 July 2024, 12pm

Contract summary


  • Research laboratory services - 73111000

  • Location of contract

    United Kingdom

    Value of contract

    £10,000 to £49,999

    Procurement reference


    Published date

    17 June 2024

    Closing date

    2 July 2024

    Closing time


    Contract start date

    15 July 2024

    Contract end date

    27 March 2025

    Contract type

    Service contract

    Procedure type

    Open procedure (below threshold)

    What is an open procedure (below threshold)?

    Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.

    This procedure can be used for procurements below the relevant contract value threshold.

    Contract is suitable for SMEs?


    Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



    PLEASE NOTE: An error has been identified in 'OFFICIAL RFQ Annex 3 Chemicals to be screened for using GCMS' and as a result a new version has been issued. Please ensure that you have downloaded the new version 'OFFICIAL RFQ Annex 3 Chemicals to be screened for using GCMS V2' and base your response on this. The updated Annex 3 lists 1066 chemicals for the GC-MS screen (not 1067 as stated in the Specification of Requirements in the Request for Quotation).

    The Environment Agency are collecting saline water samples each month at Allonby Bay Highly Protected Marine Area (HPMA) for Natural England. Natural England are seeking a contractor to analyse aqueous contaminants from these monthly saline water samples starting from July 2024 until March 2025. This data will contribute to the baseline data for the site, and the HPMA pilot project, and will allow us to understand the water quality within the HPMA at the point of designation. We require testing for the presence of a range of chemical contaminants (as detailed in the specification) using Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) along with semi quantitative information for these chemicals. We also require testing for the presence of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and quantification of these chemicals.

    More information


  • OFFICIAL Request for Quotation V2 FINAL.pdf
  • Bidding documents
  • RFQ
  • OFFICIAL Order Form NE Standard Goods & Services Terms and Conditions.pdf
  • Contract draft
  • OFFICIAL Commercial Response Basic.docx
  • Evaluation report
  • OFFICIAL RFQ Annex 4 Method summary for the screening of semi volatile organic compounds.pdf
  • Technical specifications
  • OFFICIAL RFQ Annex 5 Method summary for target based multi residue screening method.pdf
  • Technical specifications
  • OFFICIAL RFQ Annex 6 Method summary for the extraction and determination of PFOS and PFOA in water.pdf
  • Technical specifications
  • OFFICIAL RFQ Annex 3 Chemicals to be screened for using GCMS V2.xlsx
  • Technical specifications
  • Q&As Allonby Bay Highly Protected Marine Area Saline Contaminant Analysis.docx
  • Clarifications to bidders questions
  • Additional text

    To apply for this opportunity you must submit your quotation meeting the requirements detailed in the Request for Quotation (RFQ) attached.
    Your response must be sent to hpmas@naturalengland.org.uk by 12 midday on 02 July 2024.

    If you have any clarification questions linked to this opportunity or the procurement process please submit these via email to hpmas@naturalengland.org.uk by 12 midday on 25 June 2024. Please note that, unless commercially sensitive, both the question and the response will be circulated to all tenderers.

    How to apply

    Follow the instructions given in the description or the more information section.

    About the buyer

    Contact name

    Christine Singfield


    Natural England
    Sterling House, Dix's Field
    EX1 1QA



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