
首页 > 英国 > CP2517-24 Textile Waste Recycling Contract



CP2517-24 Textile Waste Recycling Contract

发布时间 所属地区 所属机构 语言
2024年10月10日 -- -- 英语 (English) 中文

Published date: 10 October 2024

Open opportunity - This means that the contract is currently active, and the buying department is looking for potential suppliers to fulfil the contract.

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Closing: 14 November 2024, 12pm

Contract summary


  • Textile waste - 19620000

  • Location of contract

    South West

    Value of contract


    Procurement reference


    Published date

    10 October 2024

    Closing date

    14 November 2024

    Closing time


    Contract start date

    1 April 2025

    Contract end date

    31 March 2027

    Contract type

    Service contract

    Procedure type

    Open procedure (above threshold)

    What is an open procedure (above threshold)?

    Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.

    This procedure can be used for procurements above the relevant contract value threshold.

    Contract is suitable for SMEs?


    Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



    As a Waste Disposal Authority (WDA) DCC is responsible for the disposal of waste that the District Councils of Devon collect, known as Local Authority Collected Waste (LACW).

    DCC works in partnership with all 8 District Councils in Devon as well as the unitary authority of Torbay. The partnership, known as DASWC (The Devon Authorities Strategic Waste Committee), consists of representatives at both officer and councillor level from all Devon District Councils and Torbay Council. The role of the committee is to promote recycling across the county, and to fund small projects by the pooling of funding. It also co-ordinates joint county wide contracts for paper, glass and textiles and thereby allowing each authority to achieve a better deal through
    economy of scale

    The Service entails the provision and maintenance of suitable Textile storage banks at various locations specified within the procurement documents into which the members of the public may deposit their Textile Waste.

    Contract Waste may also be stockpiled by Devon Authorities at their depots as part of their kerb-side collection schemes specified within the procurement documents. At stockpile locations, waste is either contained in storage banks, containers or may be deposited on the floor either in bags or loose. The procurement documents specify the method of site storage and the storage receptacles that are required at the stockpiles.

    For the avoidance of doubt, Contract Waste encompasses all textile material collected by above means which the Contractor shall be obliged to accept and collect, regardless of their storage condition or methods of collection.

    The Service additionally entails the collection and haulage of Contract Waste from their collection points to the Contractor's Waste Recycling Point where Contract Waste shall be Recycled.

    The estimated value of this contract as stated within this contract notice is based off only approximate haulage costs payable to the winning contractor, due to the nature of the haulage of this contract this estimate is highly approximate and bidders will have to make sure they have fully appreciated the information included within the specification in order determine the value of this contract as the estimated haulage values will be dependent on a number of variables that cannot be considered accurately at this stage.

    Additionally within this contract there are a number of additional elements to the value of the contract that are tied to the published letsrecycle.com rates, due to the variable nature of this value it is not possible to provide expected values for this element of the contract. Any prospective bidder should ensure they have fully read and understood all elements of the specification in order to accurately determine its value.

    More information

    Additional text

    The authority reserves the right to cancel the procurement process at any stage. The authority does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, and reserve the right not to award a contract. The authority reserves the right to award the contract in part, or to call for new tenders should they consider this necessary. Economic operators remain responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by them or by any third party acting under instructions from them in connection with their participation in this procurement, whether incurred directly by them or their advisors or subcontractors and regardless of whether such costs arise as a consequence direct or indirect of any amendments to documents issued by the authority at any time, or as a consequence of the cancellation of the procurement by the authority. For the avoidance of doubt, the authority shall have no liability whatsoever to economic operators or their advisors or subcontractors, for any of their costs, including but not limited to those for any discussions or communications. Any contract(s) or agreement(s) entered into as a result of this contract notice shall be considered as a contract(s) or agreement(s) made under English law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. If an economic operator considers that any information supplied by it during this procurement process is commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for its sensitivity as well as the duration of that sensitivity specified. Economic

    operators should be aware that even where they have indicated that information is commercially sensitive, the authority may disclose it pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in response to a request for information where such disclosure is considered to be in the public interest. Please note that the receipt by any of the authority of any materials marked 'confidential' or equivalent shall not be taken to mean that the authority accepts any duty of confidence by virtue of that marking.

    Tender documents are accessible via www.supplyingthesouthwest.org.uk . All expressions of interest are to be made via www.supplyingthesouthwest.org.uk. All questions or enquiries regarding the tender are to be asked via the messaging function within the opportunity through www.supplyingthesouthwest.org.uk

    How to apply

    Follow the instructions given in the description or the more information section.

    About the buyer

    Contact name

    Jamie Heavens


    County Hall
    Topsham Road
    EX2 4QD


    +44 1392381548





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